
How to add Product Tracking from Competitors?

Step 1: Click on Competitors

Step 2: Navigate to Competition Product Tracking

Step 3: Click on “Track New Product” to add new product tracking

Copy URL and paste in Steo 6

Step 4: Fill up product tracking label

Step 5: Choose channel correctly

Step 6: Copy and paste product URL from platform IMPORTANT : For Shopee, be sure to select a specific variation before copying the URL

Step 7: Click on “Save” button and users can keep track of competitor’s product

How to add Store Tracking from Competitors?

Step 1: Click on Competitors

Step 2: Navigate to Competition Store Tracking

Step 3: Click on “Track New Store” to add new store tracking

Step 4: Fill up store tracking label

Step 5: Choose channel correctly

Step 6: Copy and paste store URL from platform

Step 7: Click on “Save” button and users can keep track of competitors store

Step 1: Users can track on competitors store ratings, followers, response rate and their last Activity

Step 2: Click on the ‘Eye’ to view the data time trend

Last updated