Bulk Update Inventory Stock


  1. Click on "Products" in the navigation menu.

  2. Navigate to "Bulk Operations".

  3. Select the type of file to download and click the "Download" button.

  4. Download the latest "Stock Levels Template File" from the "Operation History" section and edit the stock levels as necessary.

  1. Upload the edited stock levels file to the "Update Inventory Stock File Upload" section.

  2. Wait for the stock levels file to process and verify that there are no issues reported.

If any issues arise with the uploaded file, the 'Operation History' section will display the 'Uploaded File' and 'Issues Report.' Download the Issues Report file and edit the fields that require corrections.

Stock levels that have been successfully processed are not displayed in the issues report file.


Inventory SKUProduct / Inventory nameVersion label / Variation NameEnd of Life Free Gift Cost Price Stock level Stock reserved









Inventory SKU is a unique identifier for each physical product. Inventory should be already exist in Sellercraft

Name of the product or the inventory name.

Indicate the variation name. Variations are different options of the same listing. Variations allow shoppers to select different product characteristics, such as size and colour.

TRUE when the item already stop for production (not active) or have new Inventory SKU for that item. FALSE when Inventory SKU for the item still active

TRUE when the item given as free gift FALSE when the item is not free gift

The total amount of money of the inventory.

The level of stock required for an efficient and effective control of goods, to avoid over-and under-stocking of goods.

**Must be more than stock reserved.

The quantity of a product that set aside.

**Must be less than stock level.

Uneditable column for Inventory SKU

Uneditable column for Inventory Name

Uneditable column for Version Label

Please input either TRUE or FALSE option for the end of life.

Please input either TRUE or FALSE option for the free gift.

Please input Min 0.2 to 1,000,000,000 for cost price *Only positive numbers are accepted.The price must in 2 decimal places

Please input interger value for the stock level

**Must be more than stock reserved.

Uneditable column for Stock Reserved.

**Must be less than stock level.


Running Sport Shoes Special Edition

Running Sport Shoes Special Edition






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