Physical Inventories

Physical Inventories allow sellers to keep track and manage their stocks in one central place. It ensures that the stock levels on the marketplace accurately reflect the available inventory, helping sellers avoid overstocking or stock shortages. With this tool, sellers can have better control and organization of their inventory, ensuring efficient and effective inventory management.


  1. The main filters are located at the upper-left corner of the page. The inventories can be filtered by:

    • All

    • Active

    • End of life

    • Inactive

  2. The quick filters can be used to further filter the inventories based on:

    • All

    • Low Stock

    • Zero Stock

    • Free Gift

  3. Inventories can be searched using the search bar below the quick filters

A table's data can be exported for either the current page or all pages by using the button located at the above the upper right corner of the table.

Column Definition


Inventory SKU Code

The unique identifier assigned to inventory item

Inventory Name

The name of the inventory item.

Last 30 Day Sales

The number of sales for the inventory item in the last 30 days.

Total Stock

The total number of units available for the inventory item

Reserved Stock

The number of units of the inventory item that are reserved for an order but not yet shipped.

Cost Price

The cost price of the inventory item to the seller.

End of Life

Indicates whether an inventory item is near the end of its product life cycle, just for own reference

Free Gift

Indicates whether the inventory item is being given away as a gift with a purchase.

Weeks to Sell-out

The number of weeks it will take for the inventory item to sell out

Created Date Time

The date and time when the inventory item was added to Sellercraft


Create New InventoryUpdate Stock

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