Bulk Update Product Bundles

The bulk operation feature for editing virtual bundles is particularly useful when there are a large number of bundles that need to be updated, such as in the case of upcoming campaigns. This feature allows for efficient and streamlined management of virtual bundles, saving valuable time and effort.


  1. Click on "Products" in the navigation menu.

  2. Navigate to "Bulk Operations".

  3. Click on the "Export" button displayed as an icon under "Update Product Bundles" and wait for the template to be generated.

  4. Click on the "Template File" under the operation history once it has been generated to download the file. Then, edit the template file based on the specification.

To update product bundles, only upload the rows to be updated.

  1. Upload the edited template in the upload section under "Update Product Bundles".

  2. Uploaded file will be marked as "Processed" under operation history if no issues were encountered.

If any issues arise with the uploaded file, the 'Operation History' section will display the 'Uploaded File' and 'Issues Report.' Download the Issues Report file and edit the fields that require corrections.

If any inventory items in the kitting process contain errors, you must update and add all inventories that are attached together before uploading them into the system.

Template Specification

Variant SKUInventory SKUQuantityOrganisation ID





Variant SKU is a unique identifier for each product variation. (SellerSKU)

Inventory SKU is a unique identifier for each physical product. Inventory should be already exist in Sellercraft **Users can do bundling by adding a row with the same variation

Quantity of the item (Inventory) attach with the variant

Organisation ID that connected to the shop

Fill up the SellerSKU. *Same SellerSKUs in the rows will be grouping together as bundle (Attach more than 1 inventories to 1 SellerSKU)

Please choose from the drop-down box, or copy and paste SKU for inventory from “Inventory Reference” sheet. Inventory SKU that needs to be attached to the variant.

Fill up the quantity for item (Inventory)

Please choose from the drop-down box, or copy and paste ID from “Organisation Reference” sheet.





Multi Items Variant Example

Single Item Variant Example

Last updated