Shop Management

Preparing the Shop for Sellercraft

Ensuring there are no missing or duplicate seller SKU

Sellercraft uses the seller SKU on Lazada and Shopee:

  • If Sellercraft encounters a product with blank seller SKU, Sellercraft will automatically fill in a dummy Seller SKU number.

  • If Sellercraft encounters 2 products with the same seller SKU within the same store, it will skip downloading one of the products.

  • If Sellercraft encounters different seller SKU for the same product, it will treat these listings as two different products. This will lead to wrong stock management and duplicate work in updating product.

Example : Same Product with different Seller SKU

Identifying duplicate and missing SKU:

An excel template is provided HERE to help first time Sellercraft user to audit their Lazada and Shopee store to detect duplicate and missing SKUs:

  • The excel template simply requires the user to export their Lazada and Shopee data and paste into the excel and read the data from the excel and make the necessary changes to Lazada/Shopee store.

After prepare the shop, user can connect the shop with Sellercraft.

Last updated