
Orders Details Page

In the Orders details page, users can perform the following actions:

  1. Mark the order the Ready To Ship

A status update for an order indicating that the seller has processed and prepared the order for shipment. It means that the order is now waiting to be picked up by the 3PL (third-party logistics provider) for delivery to the customer. Once the order is marked as Ready to Ship, the seller can print the shipping label and invoice, and the customer will receive a notification that their order is on its way.

  1. Cancel the order

The order is being terminated before it is shipped or delivered to the customer. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as the customer changing their mind, the product being out of stock, or the seller being unable to fulfill the order. Canceling an order involves reversing any charges made to the customer's account and, if necessary, initiating the return of any merchandise already shipped.

  1. Print Shipping Label (AWB)

Printing a shipping label is the process of generating a label that contains the shipping information of an order, such as the buyer's name and address, the seller's name and address, the order number, and other pertinent details. This label is then attached to the package that contains the order, so that the carrier can scan it and transport the package to the buyer. Printing a shipping label is an important step in the order fulfillment process.

  1. Print Invoice (if it is supported by the platform)

Print Invoice is a feature that allows you to generate an invoice for the order, which includes the details of the products purchased, their prices, and any applicable taxes or discounts. This invoice can then be printed and sent along with the package to the customer. However, whether this feature is supported by the platform depends on the specific e-commerce platform being used.

  1. Platform Order ID

The Platform Order ID is a unique identification number assigned to an order by the e-commerce platform where the order was placed. It is used to track and manage the order.

  1. Order Item(s) Details

Order Item(s) Detail typically includes the name of the product(s) ordered, the quantity, the price per unit, any applicable discounts or promotions, and the total price. It provides a detailed breakdown of the items included in the order.

  1. Mark the item as Ready to Ship or Cancel the item in the order

"Mark the item as Ready to Ship" means that you are indicating that the particular item in the order is ready to be shipped to the customer.

On the other hand, "Cancel the item in the order" means that you are canceling a specific item in the order, rather than canceling the entire order. This might happen if, for example, the customer ordered multiple items but one of them is out of stock or no longer available.

  1. Statuses Order

Statuses in an order refer to the different stages an order goes through during the process of getting shipped to the customer. The status of an order can give you information on whether an order has been confirmed, processed, shipped, delivered, or cancelled.

  1. Items List from Gift with Purchase (GWP) - Promotion

Items List from Gift with Purchase (GWP) refers to the list of items that a customer can receive as a free gift when they make a qualifying purchase. The list of items can vary depending on the promotion and the seller's discretion.

  1. Order Information (SLA threshold date, Order creation Date, Order last status updated date and Shop Name)

  • SLA (Service Level Agreement) threshold date: The date by which the order needs to be shipped as per the SLA agreed upon between the seller and the marketplace.

  • Order creation date: The date and time when the order was created.

  • Order last status updated date: The date and time when the order status was last updated.

  • Shop name: The name of the shop or seller from where the order was placed.

  1. Billing and Shipping Information

Billing and Shipping Information typically includes the name, address, phone number, and email address of the person who placed the order (billing information) and the name, address, and phone number of the person who will receive the order (shipping information). This information is used by the seller to process and deliver the order to the correct recipient.

Order Statuses

  • Payment Pending (Unpaid order)

Typically means that the payment for the order has not been completed within the allowed time frame. This could happen if the buyer did not complete the payment process, or if there was a technical issue during the payment process that prevented the payment from being completed. In this case, the order is considered unpaid and will remain in the "Payment Pending" status until the issue is resolved.

  • Confirmed (Order is confirmed)

"Confirmed" is a status of an order in the e-commerce system which means that the order has been received and confirmed by the marketplace, and the payment has been successfully processed. This indicates that the seller can begin processing the order and prepare it for shipping.

  • Processing (Order is in processing)

The "Processing" order status means that the seller has received the order and is preparing it for shipment. This may involve tasks such as verifying payment, checking inventory levels, packing the order, and printing shipping labels. Once the order is ready to be shipped, it will move to the "Ready to Ship" status.

  • Ready to Ship (Order is pending pickup by the 3PL)

Ready to Ship status means that the order is ready to be picked up by the third-party logistics (3PL) provider for delivery to the customer. At this stage, the seller has already processed the order and packaged it for shipment. The 3PL provider has been notified and is expected to collect the package soon.

  • Shipped (Order is on the way to the customer)

Shipped status means that the order has been picked up by the third-party logistics provider (3PL) and is on its way to the customer. At this stage, the customer should receive a tracking number to monitor the delivery status.

  • Delivery Attempt (Delivery attempted by 3PL)

Delivery Attempt means that the 3PL (third-party logistics) provider attempted to deliver the order to the customer, but was unsuccessful for some reason. This status usually indicates that the delivery was attempted but failed, and the order may need to be rescheduled for delivery or picked up by the customer from the carrier's facility.

  • Delivered (Order is delivered to the customer)

Delivered (Order is delivered to the customer) means that the package has been successfully delivered to the buyer by the 3PL (third-party logistics) company. The status indicates that the order has been completed and the seller has fulfilled their obligation to deliver the product to the customer. At this point, the transaction is considered successful unless there is a problem with the product or delivery that requires further action.

  • Delivery Failed (Delivery attempt failed)

Delivery Failed status indicates that the delivery attempt of an order was unsuccessful, which means the package was not delivered to the customer. This can happen due to various reasons such as incorrect address, no one available to receive the package, or other delivery-related issues. In such cases, the order may be returned to the seller or held at a delivery center for the customer to pick up. The seller can then take appropriate action, such as initiating a new delivery attempt, issuing a refund or canceling the order.

  • Initiated Cancellation (Seller initiated cancellation in Sellercraft)

Initiated Cancellation means that the seller has requested to cancel an order in Sellercraft. This can happen if the seller is unable to fulfill the order due to various reasons such as the item being out of stock, the buyer requesting to cancel the order, or if there is an issue with the buyer's payment. At this stage, the cancellation request is initiated by the seller, but it is not yet confirmed by the marketplace.

  • Processing Cancellation (Cancellation is in process on the marketplace)

Processing Cancellation means that the cancellation request initiated by the seller is being processed by the marketplace. This could involve communicating with the buyer and resolving any issues related to the cancellation request. The marketplace will update the order status once the cancellation is completed or rejected.

  • Canceled (Marketplace acknowledged the cancellation)

This status indicates that the marketplace has acknowledged the cancellation of the order. The cancellation process is complete, and the order has been canceled.

  • Return Pending (Return request is pending seller action on the marketplace)

Return Pending status indicates that a return request has been initiated by the customer and is waiting for the seller's action on the marketplace. In this status, the seller has to review the request and take appropriate action, such as accepting or rejecting the request.

  • Processing Return

"Processing Return" means that the return request has been accepted by the seller and is currently being processed. The seller may be waiting to receive the returned item from the buyer or may be inspecting the item to ensure it is in its original condition before processing the return. This status typically indicates that the seller is actively working on the return request and will provide updates as the process moves forward.

  • Return Rejected (Seller rejected the return request)

Return Rejected means that the seller has rejected the return request made by the buyer. This could be due to various reasons, such as the item not meeting the return policy criteria, being damaged or altered by the buyer, or the buyer failing to provide sufficient evidence for the return request. In this case, the seller may choose to reject the return and not issue a refund.

  • Return Complete

"Return Complete" means that the return process for an order has been successfully completed, and the item has been returned by the buyer to the seller. The seller has received the item and either refunded the buyer or issued a replacement item.

  • Refund Pending (Pending marketplace refund to the buyer)

Refund Pending status means that the customer has requested a refund, and the marketplace is currently processing it. The seller has not yet received the returned item, but the marketplace has already initiated the refund process. The refund will be completed once the marketplace receives the item and confirms that it meets their refund policy. The seller will be notified of the refund and the associated fee deducted from their account.

  • Processing Refund

"Processing Refund" means that the marketplace has received the return and is in the process of refunding the buyer. This could involve verifying the condition of the returned item and confirming that it matches the return request, as well as processing the actual refund payment to the buyer's account.

  • Refund Complete (Marketplace completed the refund)

Refund Complete means that the marketplace has successfully completed the refund process for the buyer. This typically means that the buyer has received their refund and the transaction is considered closed.

  • Closed

Typically means that the order has been completed, and all the necessary actions such as delivery, returns, and refunds have been processed.

  • Unmapped Status (Error) (Please reach out to Sellercraft support team)

"Unmapped Status" is an error status that indicates that there is an unexpected or undefined status in the order processing system. This can occur due to various reasons, such as a technical glitch or a system error. If you encounter this error, you should contact the Sellercraft support team for assistance in resolving the issue.

  • Reverse Shipment in Progress (Return back to the seller is in progress)

Reverse Shipment in Progress refers to the status of a return shipment where the product is on its way back to the seller. This status indicates that the return process has been initiated and the item is in transit from the buyer back to the seller.

  • Reverse Shipment Succeeded (Return back to seller succeeded)

"Reverse Shipment Succeeded" indicates that the returned item has been successfully received by the seller or the seller's warehouse.

  • Reverse Shipment Failed (Return back to seller failed)

"Reverse Shipment Failed" indicates that the return shipment back to the seller was unsuccessful or encountered some issues, such as the package being lost in transit or being damaged during shipment.

  • Shipment Lost or Damaged (Shipment to buyer lost or damaged by 3PL)

This status is typically used when the shipment is lost or damaged during transit, and the buyer has not yet received the package. In this case, the seller may need to file a claim with the shipping carrier to receive compensation for the lost or damaged item, and work with the buyer to either send a replacement or issue a refund.

  • Payment Pending (Timed-out) (need clarification)

Payment Pending (Timed-out) status typically occurs when a customer initiates an order but doesn't complete the payment process within a specified time frame. This can happen due to various reasons, such as technical issues, payment method failure, or the customer changing their mind. In such cases, the order remains in the payment pending status until the payment is completed or the seller cancels the order.

Last updated