Tokopedia Shop

Tokopedia is one of the online buying and selling websites in Indonesia

The use of Tokopedia's seller API services is limited to Official Store and Power Merchant categories. If you're an Official Store owner, you can choose to integrate the API services directly into your system or application, or subscribe to third-party enabler services. However, for Power Merchants, connecting to the API services is only possible through third-party enabler services. Unfortunately, Regular Merchants cannot connect their shops with Sellercraft because there are no Tokopedia seller API services available for this category

To integrate with Tokopedia, it's necessary to receive assistance from the support team. You can submit a ticket to request help with connecting your Tokopedia shop or reach out to the support team directly if you have their contact information.

Step 1: Choose a country for your shop.

Step 2: Click "Connect" on Tokopedia Channel

Step 3: Enter a shop name of your preference. (To be identified inside sellercraft)

Step 4: Enter Email registered on Tokopedia

Step 5: Enter Tokopedia Shop Domain Eg:

Step 6: Complete the Final Step. Click on ‘Request Integration

Step 7: Sellercraft support team will bind your Tokopedia shop to Sellercraft. (Please inform Sellercraft Support after Request integration)

Step 8: Accept and approve Tokopedia shop connection to Sellercraft in Tokopedia Sellercenter or Tokopedia user's email (Please inform Sellercraft Support after approve the connection) Step 9: Sellercraft support team will be continue the integration for Tokopedia shop with Sellercraft after seller approves it.

Last updated