Create Product Listings

There are multiple ways to create product listings:

  1. Sellercentre (All Platform)

  2. Sellercraft UI (Shopee & Lazada)

  3. Bulk Operation (Shopee & Lazada)


Sellers can easily manage their product listings through the seller center, ensuring that all product information and details are up to date and accurate. Once the product listings have been created or updated, they will automatically be ingested into Sellercraft, where sellers can continue to manage them as needed.

Sellercraft can automatically create a SKU in its physical inventory, along with the corresponding stock quantity, if it does not already exist in the system when a seller lists a product using that SKU.

Sellercraft UI

Creating the Listing

Create listing in Sellercraft only available for Shopee and Lazada for now.

  1. Go to the Product Listings page and click "New Catalogue".

  2. Choose the store where you want the listing to appear.

  3. Select an appropriate category for the product.

  4. Click "Save Changes".

  5. Complete all required fields, including uploading an image, and save the listing.

The "Catalogue Product Label" field is used internally in Sellercraft and will not be synced to or display on the platform.

Adding a Variant

  1. Under the Variants tab, click on "+" button to add variant.

  2. Fill in the mandatory fields including the "Catalogue Variant Label", "Seller SKU" and "Full Price" and so on.

  3. Add inventory to the variant by clicking the "+" button under the Inventories tab, searching for the desired inventory SKU, and then clicking Save.

To create a product listing with a single product, simply add a single variant.


The Sellercraft Brand list is specific to each sales channel integrated with Sellercraft. Users need to ensure that the brands they register in Sellercraft are applicable to their respective shops on the respective channels.

For example, when using Sellercraft with Lazada, it's essential to register the brands that are authorized by Lazada for the respective shop. This is particularly important for brands that are registered as Lazmall Official Brands.

If a brand is not registered as an official Lazmall brand, it may not be eligible for certain promotions or features on the platform.

Therefore, users must ensure that their brand registration in Sellercraft is consistent with their official brand registration on the channel they are selling on.

Last updated