Finance Report

Powerful tool to gain a comprehensive view of your sales and financial data.

Leveraging this Feature

  • Gain a comprehensive view of each order, including details such as the marketplace it was placed on, the order number, payment details, item quantities and more.

  • Effectively track payments, monitor costs, and assess the financial health of your business with ease.

  • Get insights into various fees, promotions, vouchers, refunds, and other important financial transactions, giving you a complete overview of your financial performance.

With all of this information in one place, you can make informed decisions about your business, optimize your operations, and make data-driven decisions to grow your sales.



  1. Filter by channel

  2. Filter report by a date range

  3. Filter report by order status

  4. Filter report by payment status

  5. Search by order number

  6. Select the columns you want to include in the table

  7. Export the report, current page or all pages

Column Defintion



The platform where the order was placed (e.g. Shopee, Lazada, Zalora, etc.)

Order Number

The unique identifier for the order from the platform

SR Order Number

The unique identifier for the order from Sellercraft

Ordered at

The date and time when the order was placed

Item Quantity

The number of items included in the order


The current status of the order (e.g. confirmed, shipped, delivered, etc.)

Payment Date

The date when payment was made

Payment Released?

Indicates whether the payment for the order has been released (Yes or No).

Cost Price

The cost price of the item(s) to the seller

Sale Price

The price at which the item(s) were sold to the customer

Buyer Paid Price

The price paid by the customer, including any shipping fees, promotions, or vouchers

Total Shipping Cost

The total cost of shipping for the order

Buyer Paid Shipping Fee

The shipping fee paid by the customer

Seller Paid Shipping Fee

The shipping fee paid by the seller

Platform Sponsored Shipping Fee

The shipping fee sponsored by the platform

Transaction Fee

Any fees charged by the platform for the transaction

Platform Commission

Commission charged by the platform on the sale

Other Fees

Any other fees associated with the transaction


Any taxes applied to the transaction

Final Net Payment

The final payment received by the seller after all fees and taxes have been deducted

Promotion Customer Received

Any promotions received by the customer

Platform Promotion

Promotions offered by the platform

Seller Promotion

Promotions offered by the seller

Voucher Customer Received

Any vouchers received by the customer

Platform Voucher

Vouchers offered by the platform

Seller Voucher

Vouchers offered by the seller

Damage Claims

Claims made by the customer for damages

Lost Claims

Claims made by the customer for lost items

Refund to Seller

Amount refunded to the seller for the order

Return Refund to Seller

Amount refunded to the seller for a returned item.

Last updated