Simple Sales Report

Top Sales
  • Provides a list of the top-selling products based on total sales revenue.

  • Helps sellers understand which products are performing well and driving the most revenue.

  • Allows sellers to identify trends and make data-driven decisions about which products to focus on.

Dropping Sales
  • Provides a list of products that have experienced a significant drop in sales.

  • Helps sellers identify and address any issues with declining products.

  • Enables sellers to make data-driven decisions about which products to continue selling, discontinue or improve.

Conversion Rate Improvement Opportunity
  • Identifies products that have a high number of views but low conversion rate.

  • Provides insights into why certain products are not converting as well as they could be.

  • Helps sellers improve the conversion rate for these products by making data-driven decisions about pricing, product descriptions, or other factors that may be affecting the conversion rate.

View Improvement Opportunity
  • Identifies products with low visibility and low number of views.

  • Helps sellers improve visibility and drive more traffic to these products.

  • Enables sellers to make data-driven decisions about how to increase views and improve the visibility of these products.

Column Definition



Unique identifier of the product


Name of the online marketplace (e.g. Shopee, Lazada, Zalora) where the sales occurred.

Sales this week

Total sales generated by the product in the current week

Sales 4 weeks ago

Total sales generated by the product 4 weeks prior to the current week

Improvement Increase Rate

List of inventories with the highest % of sales growth this week versus 4 weeks ago.

Potential Improvement

Potential additional revenue if the views can be improved

GMV Rank

The product's ranking in terms of Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) among all products in the seller's store.

Last updated